The first thing you should know is that writing specifically to tell you about myself is hugely unnerving for me. So here’s what I’d tell you if we were siting face to face.
I'm a ...
Wife. Mom. Foodie
I love ...
Long Distance Running, Bright Colors, Nature, Ice Cream,
... and I am lover of all things wellness.


I am a wife to a gentle giant named Scott and I have one amazing daughter who loves ice cream just as much as I do.
My Crew
My Wellness Philosophy
Wellness is important to me! I believe that it's important to take time each day to focus on my wellness, specifically emotional. I am teaching myself to spend the first minutes of the morning (I am a morning person) to do me before I do anything else; no emails, no text messages, no to-do lists. And I don’t put hard expectations on what I do during that time except that I am focusing on myself and creating space being a healthy version of Adia Callahan.
With just one focused hour a day of wellness, we can see exponential results from our efforts.
The question is are you ready to utilize your time and actively pursue your needs!

My Journey
If you were to talk to me a few years ago, I would say that I wondered, often. I wondered what my life would have looked like if I had stayed in engineering. I wondered why my tenure in Corporate America was filled with more downs than ups. I wondered why my life is more of a bell curve vs a circle. I wondered why I could not make my professional and my personal life coexist. I wondered why so many women who look like me have put their wellness at the bottom of their priorities.
Through my own personal wellness journey, I have realized and accepted that what I want out of my life is within my control and mine alone. What has been important to my overall health and wellness is that I, am doing the work to reach my goals and to also help other women do the same.
Hence the birth of See Me Wellness, as I no longer wanted to just wonder but do!
Ladies, this journey is ongoing, and frankly, annoying at times but the reward is you, me, US. Talk to me now and I say that I am doing me and I am so loving me for it.